Many community members and organizations have inquired about how to share appreciation for our frontline caregivers. We invite you to honor and encourage our amazing healthcare team – on the frontlines fighting this pandemic for a healthier community – by participating in Baptist Health Foundation’s Be a Blessing to #BHeroes campaign. We want to make it easy to share and demonstrate gratitude for our #BHeroes.
You can also click on a coloring sheet below to download it, color it and display a message in a window to show your support in your neighborhood.
Sharing a video or photo to your personal social media?
On Facebook tag @bhealthfoundation use the hashtag #FaithfullyStandTogether #BeABlessing #BHeroes
On Instagram tag @BaptistHealthFoundation and use the hashtag #FaithfullyStandTogether #BeABlessing #BHeroes
See the many encouraging messages that we have received on