Food Rx

Compassion for Patients Facing Food Insecurity

Your support can help us give compassion and address food insecurity in our state.

Arkansas has the second-worst rate in the country for the percentage of people (17%) in the state facing the challenges of food insecurity. One of the major impacts of food insecurity is the profound influence it has on the health of people who suffer from it.

Access to healthy food plays an important role in disease prevention and health outcomes. Baptist Health, along with other hospitals and healthcare providers, has a unique opportunity and responsibility to address food insecurity and help improve patient and population health.

And you can help.

On any given day, there is a significant number of patients in Baptist Health’s medical centers and clinics who are in need of food. Many of these patients leave Baptist Health armed with instructions and medication as part of their recovery – but at the same time are not sure where they will get their next meal.

We have established Food Rx to help address food insecurity and make an impact on the lives of our patients. This fund also supports underserved families and people we assist through our Baptist Health Community Wellness Centers, as well as Baptist Health students and employees in need of food. Baptist Health has set up a food pantry to serve Baptist Health patients, community centers, students, and employees in the Central Arkansas and the River Valley areas, with an eye on expanding to other areas Baptist Health serves throughout the state in the future.

Baptist Health provides a three-day supply of food. Our dieticians provide healthy recipes and instructions on how to make their meals stretch. Baptist Health also provides a resource list of other food pantries and community services that can help them.

Your donation would strengthen Baptist Health’s ability to give compassionate care, while addressing hunger and food insecurity in Arkansas.

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